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University of Basel
Neuroscience Network Basel
  • Neuroscience Network Basel

    A center of competence and excellence in neuroscience

  • Neuroscience Network Basel

    Explore function - Understand dysfunction - Improve diagnosis and treatment



Circuit Neuroscience Community
Basel (CNCB)

Molecular and Cognitive
Neurosciences (MCN)

Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel (RC2NB)

Computational Neuroscience Initiative Basel (CNIB)


The brain creates three copies for a single memory
A new study from Prof. Flavio Donato at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, now published in “Science”, reveals that the memory for a specific experience is stored in multiple parallel “copies”, which are preserved for varying durations, modified to certain degrees, and sometimes deleted over time. More

Discovery of a new mechanism involving GABA-B receptors and the protein AJAP-1 in the localization of these receptors in the brain (Bettler Lab)
The DBM congratulates the Bettler Lab for their recent paper accepted by Science Advances. The authors have uncovered a novel mechanism involving GABA-B receptors and the protein AJAP-1, which maintains the receptors' placement in the brain. More

Botond Roska and José-Alain Sahel win the Wolf Prize 2024 in the field of medicine
Botond Roska and José-Alain Sahel have been awarded the Wolf Prize in Medicine for their pioneering work on restoring vision to blind patients using optogenetic therapy. More

New study provides novel insight into molecular mechanisms regulating neural stem cell fate (Taylor Lab)
Adult murine brains and their neural stem cells (NSCs) from the hippocampus are thoroughly guided to either renew themselves or differentiate into neurons and astrocytes. However, unlike NSCs from the subventricular zone, they do not generate oligodendrocytes in adulthood. More

Perfect balance: How the brain fine-tunes its sensitivity
A sensitive perception of the environment is crucial for guiding our behavior. However, an overly sensitive response of the brain’s neural circuits to stimuli can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders such as epilepsy. University of Basel researchers report in the journal Nature how neuronal networks in the mouse brain are fine-tuned. More

Neighboring synapses shape learning and memory
A researcher at the University of Basel, in collaboration with a colleague in Austria, has developed a new model that provides a holistic view on how our brain manages to learn quickly and forms stable, long-lasting memories. Their study sheds light on the crucial role of interactions among neighboring contact sites of nerve cells for brain plasticity – the brain’s ability to adapt to new experiences. More

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Course announcement

A new course in Neurotheory-B7 Cycle B Neuroscience is starting in Spring 2024
"Introduction to theoretical and computational neuroscience"
by Everton J Agnes (Biozentrum) 
More information in the attached flyer and on the website.

Upcoming Basel Seminars in Neuroscience

31.10.2024, 16:00-17:00, Biozentrum U1.1011
Nathalie Rochefort (University of Edinburgh)
Title: TBA
Host: Georg Keller, FMI

07.11.2024, 16:00-17:00, Biozentrum U1.1011
Pavan Ramdya (EPFL, Lausanne)
Title: TBA
Host Anissa Kempf, Biozentrum

Upcoming events

13 - 16 .10. 2024 in Rungstedgaard, north of Copenhagen, Denmark : "Neuronal Protein Synthesis Mechanisms in Health and Disease" organized by FENS and Lundbeck Foundation

Further information:
Registration Deadline: 3 Jul 2024


Bench to bedside, 9. February 2024

Woche des Gehirns, 11. - 15. März 2024